Canonical Houses
Between 2009 an 2011 we supervised the rehabilitation of several of the oldest buildings in the historical center of Timisoara (RO) (Unirii 9, 10, 11 and George Cosbuc 1). Built in the late 18th Century they belong to the architectural identity of the city like no other architectural ensamble. Together with the entire "Cetate" neighborhood they are protected as architectural heritage of national importance. We supervised the quality of executed works, mediated between house owners, planners and ciy hall on behalf of the donor. The project was financed by the Federal Government of Germany and implemented by GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).

Riverside Pavilion

C.D. Loga School

Our office
Masterplan TM
Little Trianon
CMB Towers
Transelectrica HQ

Land Use Plan Oradea
UVT Timisoara

Street Design