UVT Timisoara
We were not the only ones fascinated by the University building designed by architect Hans Fackelmann in the end of the 50´s and built until 1963. Clean volumes and structured rhythm compose beautiful and classicist interior experience. Monumental art pieces adorn interior and exterior forming a passage from the city into the main Aula, the most representative inner space. A symbolic journey awaits the newcomer, leading him from the outside world into the vaults of knowledge. We could not resist to further understand this building and dedicated it a research and a book, in cooperation with Universitatea de Vest Timisoara (UVT). The research was printed as a book by the by UVT Printing.

Riverside Pavilion

C.D. Loga School

Our office
Masterplan TM
Little Trianon
CMB Towers
Transelectrica HQ

Land Use Plan Oradea

Street Design